Not only once was I so angry and inpatient toward the main character, Adam as he was called, from whom the story was told. Easy-tempered, thoughtless, self-centered, and immature in some ways. Overall, a stupid man, I would say, but full of passion.
Despite whether I liked this guy or not, the story went on. I read it and I did enjoy it.
Frankly, I do not think there is a very special part of the book that makes it too good to miss except that gradually-revealed artistic writing hand, which I like the most. For me, a good book does not depend on how creative the storyline is, how the complexity is tangled behind, or how profound the background knowledge is but how smoothly it is written. It is smooth, this book.
Seventy pages, as I left unread last night. Then, surprises spun the whole world.
Walking down the river, I felt the stream of words flowing gently. I heard the rhyme. Next time when I walk in a bookstore, I think I may pick it up.
My score for it: ★★★★☆
Title: Down River
Author: John Hart
Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Minotaur (October 2, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0312359314